They are calling it the New Normal but a lot of the problems are actually old ones. Employees are increasingly measuring the value of their employment not just by money and benefits but also by how they are treated and how their own needs are met. If they don’t like the ways things are, they will leave.


Communication is a problem everywhere. Organizations need to evaluate themselves and to improve their culture as well as their performance.  Change is constant and occurs at "Internet speed".


We are here to help. We offer management consulting, organizational development, strategic planning, and change management services. Our name reflects our commitment to continuous improvement and to best practice contemporary management practices.


As your organization deals with the new, unyielding, and increasing stresses of the 21st century, your decisions may affect whether that organization lives or dies. Those organizations that thrive in this time of change will be the ones that successfully implement best practice 21st century management, not by copying every trendy development, but by adopting the best practices in a way that most suits their specific needs.


Getting an outside view, doing an organizational checkup, and using advice are smart business! Concerned but doubtful? Ask for a few hours free consultation! Call 857-488-8402. E-mail


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"Healthcare and the New Normal": click here

© James Murphy, 2022